Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October Scare-O-Rama

While the rest of Spartanburg County is deep into the The Big Read and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, I am ignoring all advice to the contrary and having a Scare Myself To Death month. Last night, I started re-reading Stephen King's 'salem's Lot (which I first read in, oh, maybe 8th grade). I'll continue to take suggestions for Book Club (could we do that online and in person, MA?) and my study of the the Gospel of John, and on the side I'm going to read (well, re-read) a few Stephen King novels. Please note that I will not be reading SK's It, which is possibly the scariest book/movie EVER and since it left me traumatized (specifically where clowns are concerned), I'll probably never read it again. But if you want to be scared to death, go ahead. Oh, and if you want to suggest a favorite SK scary, please do (in the comments section since I never get comments? That would be soooo cool!)

Oh, and we really are doing a book club - so if you're interested in joining, let me know. You don't have to be in town - I'm pretty sure we can do the midlands and the rest of the upstate (if you'll invite us to spend the night)... Really. Yes, you.


Rachel said...

i've never been in a book club but it sounds cool. also, IT has traumatized me for the rest of my life. my lovely husband knows this and likes to turn the lights on when we are sleeping and scares me with a huge grin and big eyes on his face like the clown.

suggestion for scary movie: M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening

Brooke said...

Mike knows better - I would probably either die of fright or accidentally kill him in an effort to escape the scary clown (this is why I don't do circuses or Pizza Inn on creepy clown nights). Shudder. Bad Stu!

Tracy said...

I'm mostly commenting because you said that you never get comments :) It's a little disappointing sometimes isn't it? That's when I enourage Sean to comment on my blog!

I will not be reading Stephen King...I'll leave that to Sean. I am reading "Searching for God Knows What" by Don Miller. It is entertaining, thought provoking, and quite funny at times. His theme is relationship with Christ. He turns a lot of our current Christian ways and ideas on their heads.
I also started reading "Redeeming Love" today. Sean recommended it on FB and is really disappointed that you didn't choose it! I will say that the book made him cry (I hope he doesn't mind that I said that).

nightswimming said...

i dont do scary, but don miller's new book "a million miles in a thousand years" is one you might enjoy...very interesting to think about from a parent point of view.

and knowing your need to about "the year of living biblically" by a.j. jacobs. NOT a christian book...just so you know, but very funny and very insightful

Brooke said...

I finished 'salam's Lot and I started Cujo last night. Why, oh why, am I doing this to myself?? I'm keeping a list of all awesome book suggestions and hope to get to them all over the next few months. I love to read ...And thanks, y'all, for commenting. ah...